Monday, March 11, 2019

Week 78 - Families can be together FOREVER!!!

Sup dudes! 

Holy cow. I haven't written in 2 weeks, and the past 2 weeks have been awesome! Here's the quick rundown:

First, we had a bomb (meaning really good, not explosive) service project at the Salvation Army that we found on JustServe! There were probably nearly 100 people that showed up to renovate the place, about 20 of which were missionaries. We split up into teams, and my team was in charge of painting. Before long, I and a couple of other elders struck of some singing as we painted (Battle Hymn of the Republic and other invigorating hymns). We'll apparently the acoustics in that building were pretty decent, because pretty soon we had people streaming into our room to record and meet us! It was awesome! And we were able to touch a lot of people, especially a group of veterans we were working with.

Later that day, the Shlam family got baptized! Some of you probably hear me talk about baptism a lot and wonder what the big deal is, but HOLY COW IT'S SO AWESOME! This family just started a journey that will eventually lead them back to live with God! As a family! None of this "till death do you part" stuff! Through the ordinances of the Gospel, they can literally be together forever. And one week after the Shlams, the Wilmoth family did the same thing! Two amazing families that will forever be highlights of my time here in Idaho.

And a couple other random things that made this week eventful: I got sick but then got better! I won Yahtzee at game night at the assisted living center! We had MLC (mission leadership council, my favorite meeting ever)! And we got to ride this super fun swing machine thing!

Well folks, love you all!

Elder Doyle

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