Monday, November 19, 2018

Week 63 - 3 Days Till My Big Performance!

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! 

This is just an awesome time of year and I'm loving it here in Nampa! So far we've got at least 5 meals lined up for Thanksgiving Day, and we very well might get a few more. So I'm preparing my stomach, exercising my jaw, etc. for the big day! 

It's been such an awesome week! With transfers going on this week, we had enough errands to run that we barely had time to do normal proselyting. But we saw miracle after miracle in which God made sure that the little amount of time we had became super productive! Here's a quick story: We were driving at about 8 at night, and we saw a family doing some yard work in the dark. I had talked to them in the past, and they weren't interested in talking to us, so I silenced any promptings to stop and ask if we could help. Luckily my companion is awesome, so he spoke up and we ended up pulling over to help. And they were super friendly!!! We helped out for about half an hour, and we now have another appointment to go over this week! It's such a blessing that God gives me companions that can make up for my shortcomings and mkae sure the work gets done right! 

Well I'm short on time, but I'd invite you all to think about what you're grateful. Easy request, I know. But once you've figured out what you're grateful for, then figure out what you're going to do to SHOW what you're grateful for. Does God know you're grateful for those things? Do the people around you know that you're grateful for them? Thanksgiving has two parts - thanks and GIVING.

Love ya,
Elder Doyle