Hello Friends,
The Meridian Temple was dedicated yesterday, along with the Cultural Celebration on Saturday.
Both were beautiful experiences where the Spirit was strong. The
Cultural Celebration was the closest thing to TV I've watched in quite
awhile, so I think I was even more entertained by it than I would be
normally. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf dedicated the temple yesterday,
and he blessed it that it will be a light to this area. We've already
seen that light in action as thousands went through the open house and
felt the Spirit of the House of the Lord, and I'm excited to see it
continue in the future!
With Thanksgiving
coming up, my invitation to all of you this week is to get down on your
knees and thank God for all that He does for you. You may not see a lot
of great things in your life now, but as you begin to search for them,
you'll see more and more. We've been teaching a man in his 30's who is a
great example to me of this kind of gratitude. He grew up on the
streets in a gang, and watched as some of his family and friends were
killed. He spent time in prison, where he decided to turn his life
around. When he was released from prison, he got a job and got married.
Shortly thereafter, he received word that he had diabetes, and since
then, that diabetes has caused him to go almost completely blind and
lose his job. This guy has lived a seriously tough life, but he is the
most grateful man I've ever met. His life and prayers are filled with
gratitude to God. I've been honored to learn from him, and I hope that I
can recognize God's blessings as well as this man does.
Praying for you always,
Elder Doyle