"It smells like something is burning. Yes, something is definitely burning." (it was the bacon)
Happy Transfer Day!
marks one transfer here in Middleton, Idaho! Throughout the day,
missionaries will be traveling throughout the mission to their new
areas. But not for Elder Jones and I! Since Elder Jones is being
trained, we get to stay for another 6 weeks. And I'm definitely not
complaining! The work is progressing so well and I feel so blessed to
serve here.
As most of you have probably
heard, there have been some changes in the Church leadership in the last
couple weeks due to the passing of Prophet and President Thomas S.
Monson. My love for President Monson has really grown recently, and I
know that he was called of God to be a prophet. I also have a firm
testimony that President Nelson, and whomever else God calls, is who we
need at this time. I love that God can lead His church through
modern-day prophets.
In church on Sunday, one
of the members of the Stake Presidency told about an experience of his
from Halloween. For his family's family home evening activity, they
decided to carve pumpkins to set out on the front porch. This dad wasn't
a big fan of pumpkin carving, so he sat on the couch reading emails
while his kids struggled to make their pumpkin designs become a reality.
His youngest daughter in particular struggled, and without the help of
her dad, she felt like her pumpkin hadn't turned out very well. Later
that week, the dad walked up to the front door and noticed some writing
in Sharpie on the side of his youngest daughter's pumpkin on the porch.
He picked it up and read the childish scrawling, "it's the best that I
could do." Feeling like he had failed as a father, he apologized to both
his daughter and to God. This dad testified to us on Sunday, and I echo
his testimony, that we have a Father who never leaves us to do anything
alone. And when we fall short (which we all do), if we can honestly say
"it's the best that I could do," we have an incomprehensibly merciful
Savior who picks us up when we fall short.
week, I invite you to watch, listen to, or read a talk from a recent
modern-day prophet. Talks such as these can be found on lds.org.
I've felt the Spirit so much as I've freshened up on President Monson's
words for us, and I promise that the Spirit will reside more abundantly
in the lives of any who learn and apply the teachings of God's
Love you all!