Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Week 43 - "Carl Wheeeeezer" (Jimmy Neutron reference)

Well folks, I'm on the move again!

This morning I was transferred to Weiser Idaho, a small town close to the Oregon border. I now cover 5 wards in 3 towns (Weiser, Cambridge, and Council), which makes it one of the largest areas in the mission. And I've upgraded from Monica the minivan to a new truck! I'm going to miss the Meridian/Eagle area I've been serving in for the last 4 and a half months so much. The people there are family. But I know that Weiser is where I need to be now, and I'm excited to serve and learn from the people here!

Something I've been thinking about lately is why some of the best people go through some of the hardest things. I've been able to make and teach some of my best friends while here on my mission. They have amazing testimonies and exude Christlike love. But they're put through so much! I've also thought about why missionary work isn't a piece of cake. We're doing the Lord's will and teaching the truth, right? So why aren't people just lining up to talk to the missionaries? I listened to an old talk from Elder Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and I loved what he said. I can't quote it exactly, but he narrows his answer to questions like mine down to this: Salvation was never a cheap experience. When we wonder why we or loved ones are going through difficult trials, we have to remember that the one perfect Person, the only one deserving of a trial-free life, went through the greatest agony and pain of us all. So when you go through trials, or when you wonder why missionary work isn't easy, realize that you're standing shoulder to shoulder with the greatest life this world has ever seen. 

Thank you for your prayers! I testify that God is real and that he loves us!

Elder Doyle
The best YSA Ward ever! Right after a hard fought softball game
Families like the Foutz's make transferring so hard!

The three amigos! (codenames: Buckwheat, Lonestar, and Delilah)

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